As time progresses this weed grows bigger and more powerful. Soon the lettuce plants around it begin to wilt and die as this garden weed grows and grows. Perhaps it is time to pull it up. No, that would be a bad idea. If one were to pull it up, the act of dislodging it would kill a few of the surrounding lettuce plants.
Bad Weed |
One weekend the gardener goes to the garden and discovers this weed has flowered and gone to seed. The wind blows the seeds throughout your garden. They sprout and begin to grow. Soon they will be just like the original weed, but there will be hundreds of them this time. Oh well, just ignore them, maybe they won't get big and strong anyhow.
Yet they do become big and powerful. These hundreds of new weeds each put out hundreds more seeds each, and these hundreds times hundreds of new plants spread throughout the yard. The good plants struggle to survive this invasion of their area, but to no avail. The weeds kill them pretty much all off.
It appears it is time to do something about this problem. A consultation with the International Society of Plants is needed to receive permission to remove this weed and all the other weeds it has spawned.
The International Society of Plants decides to hold a meeting to discuss this problem. They issue a resolution. It is harshly worded and presented to the original weed. This is the resolution they presented:
It has come to our intention that you may possibly be causing a few problems in your section of the garden. Please stop it, if you don't mind. Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day.
Your friends,
The International Society of Plants
The gardener wonders if this resolution will work, but being a member of the International Society of Plants, he feels he must go along with their resolution.
The original plant prospers, and learns how to put out secretions that are deadly to all other plants. Gleefully this God of the Plant World (as he has taken to calling himself) experiments and learns of new ways to kill off other plant species that may compete with him for the Kingdom of the Garden.
Many many plants die. This cruel weed takes a perverse pleasure in watching the death of other plants. As his power increases, he has some of his offspring destroyed because he is secretly afraid of them.
One day this self proclaimed God of the Plant World sends some of his offspring into a neighboring garden, because this other garden has land he wants for himself. The gardener notices this, and with a couple of his friends he goes in and rescues the invaded garden. For now, these weeds are pushed back and contained within their original garden.
Years go by, and this weed prospers in this one garden. He grows richer and richer and discovers there are other types of weeds in the world and makes pacts with them. He discovers there are some gardeners that have fertilizer they will trade with him for his riches. These other gardeners are not very clever. They think the God of the Plant World is their buddy.
The good gardener begins to get annoyed with this so called God of the Plant World. He returns to the International Society of Plants to see how their resolution is working. They decide to hold a meeting. At the meeting they decide to contact the weed and request information from him on all the bad things he has. He sends them what he calls a complete list of his bad items. The International Plant Society says okee dokee, we will go to the garden and see these things are removed.
The International Society of Plants pays its inspectors money to make sure these bad things are destroyed. They will continue receiving this money for as long as the job takes. The longer it takes, the more money they will make. The scheming weed only tells the inspectors of his minor tools of destruction. Every now and then the evil weed destroys one of these minor weapons. The International Society of Plants cheerfully announces, "See, he is truly doing as we asked."
One of the bad gardeners laughs and laughs as he hears this claim. He is making much money by supplying the evil weed with supplies it needs to create more destructive items.
The good gardener finally has enough of this evil weed and all its evil companions. He announces he will destroy them before they enter all the gardens of the world.
Other gardeners say "No, this must not happen. After all, this bad weed has not entered any other gardens lately. We must wait until it enters the other gardens and causes much damage. If it ever does that, well, then we will think about doing something about it."
Many children of these other gardeners agree. They get together in large groups and hold rallies. They claim destruction of weeds is a bad thing to do.
One day the good gardener and his own children went into the infested garden with their hoes and dug up all the bad weeds.
The End
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